I expected to be bored.
Nope. Wasn't bored.
I expected to lose interest.
Nope. Didn't lose interest.
I expected to not like it as much as the first book.
Nope. I liked it more.
Napoleonic-Era English Gentleman travel by sea to China, where they face storms, sea serpents, culture clashes, betrayal, conspiracy, assassination attempts, mystery, and uphill diplomacy...
...with dragons.
Seriously, take any book, any topic, and add dragons. Bam. Now it's cool.
Two books in, and the nine-book series doesn't seem so unpalatable anymore. The story continues to be more about the relationships and less about the action. In this way it's more character driven than anything, but still the action is present and very satisfying. Dragon fights.
See? Cool.
The prose is unique. It isn't just a book about people living in Napoleons world. It's as if it were actually written during that time...picture what Jane Austen might sound like if Mr. Darcy rode a dragon to call on the Bennet sisters.
There was one brief instance of language that stood out because of the lack of it otherwise. Beyond that, this series continues to have a PG rating for content.
Now, off to book 3.
Happy Reading!